We need to understand that few people really know God – few people have taken the time and paid the price to really know Him it has been our experience that the higher we go up the mountain the more separation will be in our life – consider Mary every woman wanted to be the mother of the messiah this was the highest honor a woman could reach every generation – every little girl would dream she would be the one – this hope was passed down for thousands of years and yet when Mary gets the honor imagine the separation – Who all walked away from her ?? Who all turned their back on her?? Who betrayed her? who denied knowing Her? not wanting to be soiled by the scandal – yes Jesus learned obedience by the things he suffered and so will You!!!!!
Paradigm Shift
November 16th, 2012Welcome to the Mountain
October 28th, 2012Come Join Us
October 28th, 2012Feel Free to join our growing community by registering and talk with Pastor Randy and the rest of our growing church.
Recent Services
October 27th, 2012Lake Himilton and The Victimization Spirit We recently have been getting a lot of deliverance from listening to tapes from Lake Hamilton Bible Camp. You can visit their website at http://www.lakehamiltonbiblecamp.com/ We encourage everyone to listen to what they have to offer.